$297.00 USD

Kingdom Align Wellness

Personal Coaching Agreement

This is an agreement between Coach Stephanie McConney (will now be known as “coach”) and the above-named client. This agreement becomes effective on date of purchase.



The initial consultation is free of charge. Payment for ensuing meeting(s) is $297. The first payment is to be made in advance of scheduled appointments or on a monthly basis at the direction of each coach.

Alternatively, there is a  (12) session package for a period of twelve (12) months for 60 minutes per each session.

Additional sessions can be scheduled “al la carte” as agreed upon, in writing, by the coach and client.

If for any reason, you need to cancel your appointment, you must provide at least 24 hours notice or you will be charged $55.00.

Services Provided:

The services to be provided by the coach to the client are face-to-face or telephone coaching, as agreed jointly with the client. Coaching may address specific personal struggles of health, wellness, spiritual, and spiritual goals. Additional coaching services may include but not limited to, brainstorming, collaborative dialogue, identifying successful strategies and specific plans of action; examining current methods of operations in life, asking clarifying questions, and making empowering requests and/or suggestions for the client action. Additionally, client may be asked to reflect on traumatic or difficult topics or situations which may result in an expression and/or emotions. Throughout the coach and client relationship, the coach and the client will engage in direct and personal conversations. The client understands that successful coaching requires collaborative approach between client and coach. In the coaching relationship the coach plays the role of facilitator of change, but it’s the client’s responsibility to enact or bring about the change.

If the client believes the coaching is not working as desired, the client will communicate any and all concerns with the coach as soon as possible and the coaching strategy will be reconstructed to address the client’s desired outcome.

You are very much encouraged to talk more with the coach as to receive a better understanding of what coaching is about and how to get the most out of it.

Prior History:

The client also agrees to disclose the details of past ot present psychological or psychiatric treatment. Coaching and counseling are not the same. Likewise, therapy and other methods of professional, medical, psychological examinations shall not be equivalent to coaching.

I, Stephanie McConney, am not a registered psychologist or psychiatrist, nor licensed therapist or social worker. I do not engage in therapy with my coaching clients. In entering the coaching relationship and signing the agreement, you are agreeing that if any mental health difficulties arise during the course of the coaching process, you will notify me immediately so I can discuss an appropriate health care professional.


All information about the coach/client relationship will remain strictly confidential except in the rare circumstances where decreed by law; ie: where the court may issue a subpoena for records.


The client has the option to terminate the coaching agreement within (3) days of signing this agreement and will receive a full refund if no educational sources were distributed.

Release of Liability:

Health and Wellness Coaching is a service that provides personal coaching to specific individuals and/or groups. The client is aware that coaching is in no way to be construed or substituted for psychological counseling with a licensed health care professional. Your coach will at all times express best professional efforts, skills, and care of ensuring my client is coached to meet their health and wellness goals. The client understands and acknowledges that the coach will not be liable- legally or otherwise, for the actions of the client may or may not take as a result of health and wellness sessions. No assumption of responsibility is made, given, and the client requesting such advice agrees not to hold their coach responsible or liable in any form for actions taken of their own accord. The method and process by which this advice and direction are given in no manner, written or verbally constitutes an agreement or liability on the part of the coach and is acknowledged to be different in many ways than clinical or medical counseling.

The client agrees that signing any of these health and wellness services are entirely at your own risk. Health and wellness coaching are provided “as is,” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. This service is requested at the client’s own choice and with inherent singular responsibility. The client takes full responsibility in the decisions they make after being coached as well as the consequences. Client enters into coaching with a full understanding that they are responsible for creating their own results.

Coaches my provide links to other websites or written printed material which may be of value, interest or convenience to you. This does not constitute endorsement of material at those sites or any associated organization product services. It is the responsibility of the client to make their own informed decisions about any and all websites or written material. In no event shall the coach be liable for any incident or consequential damages resulting from the use of outsourced material.


Upon agreeing to this agreement, the client agrees to keep training outlined in this agreement and coaching program materials confidential.

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One-On-One Coaching with Stephanie Elaine!

Are you looking for a more One-on-One coaching experience? 


One-on-One Coaching is for those who want the additional support and prefer private sessions. This coaching program has all the perks of group coaching PLUS an ALL ACCESS PASS to Coach Stephanie via Messenger & Marco Polo. This program offers 12 laser focused private sessions customized to YOUR personalized Endometriosis lifestyle needs.